14 September 2018
**** Important **** Survey to develop services in Mid Ross ****


The Mid Ross Community Partnership has developed an online survey to help inform future priorities across the area.

NHS Highland, the Highland Council, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Police Scotland, High Life Highland and Ross-shire Voluntary Action are working with communities in Mid Ross to improve outcomes from public services.

The online survey will be used to establish a base line against which the Partnership can measure this improvement work.

Chair of the Mid Ross Community Partnership, Ann Clark, said: “We know that Mid Ross is a good place to live and work and we are committed to make it even better.

“Every community is different and some face greater challenges than others. To focus our efforts and reduce inequalities across the area we need to know what improvements are needed where.

“People feel better and communities are more successful when they have a say in decisions which affect them. The Partnership is in its early stages and we want to find out what issues matter most to people, their families and their community.

“A lot of hard work already takes place in our communities tackling local issues and we want to improve how we support and add value to that activity. The survey is an ideal opportunity to make sure people’s voices are heard when we decide future priorities across Mid Ross.

“I would encourage people to take the time to complete the survey and help shape public services in our area. We will feedback the results of the survey on the Mid Ross Community Partnership website and at our public meetings.”

The survey is available to access at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/MidRossSurvey2018  . Paper versions and alternative versions, such as an easy read format, of the survey will also be available on request. Please contact high-uhb.mrcommunitypartnership@nhs.net  to request a paper copy


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