21 August 2019
Development Proposals for former wildlife park

Copies of the display boards and feedback forms that were used at the Munlochy event are available below. We will update with the slightly amended North Kessoc versions as soon as they are received from the developer. The propsoed pitches for touring caravans and motorhomes has now been removed. 

Theplanning consultants Rick Fink Associates are looking for community feedback on the questions set out in the form at the end of the article. Comments can be sent to them at amelia@rickfincassociates.com

Please note - this is a pre-plannig consultation. Any comments made will inform proposals that come forward as a formal planning application later in the year, but will not be taken into account by The Highland Council planners as part of an application assesmnet. There will be further opportunity to comment as part of the usual planning process in due course. 

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